Labette Community College Recognized with Top Honors
at PBL National Leadership Conference in Atlanta

July 14, 2016
PBL National Leadership Conference

Photo- back l to r: Levi Sprague, Cathy Kibler (LCC PBL advisor), Joshua Ghering
Front l to r: Shawna Yockey, Bonnie Howell

Parsons, Kansas, June 27, 2016 —More than 1,700 of America’s best and brightest college students traveled to the Peach State to CONNECT with top future business leaders and showcase their talents as they vied for the opportunity to win more than $92,000 in cash awards.

The Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Conference was held June 24–27 in Atlanta. Participants from across the United States attended this exciting conference to enhance their business skills, expand their networks, and participate in 60 business and business-related competitive events.

Joshua Ghering, Bonnie Howell, Levi Sprague and Shawna Yockey from Labette Community College in Parsons, Kansas, received national recognition at the PBL Awards of Excellence Program on June 27. Ghering and Yockey competed in Business Decision Making, earning tenth place. Howell and Sprague competed in Emerging Business Issues and received seventh place. In addition, Sprague also competed in Retail Management, receiving tenth place as well as Yockey who competed in Entrepreneurship Concepts and earned tenth place.

“I am so very proud of all of these students! Each one of them deserve to be recognized for their outstanding performance at the National PBL Conference. I believe that they are definitely going to be major contributors to the business world as well as their communities. They represented LCC and the state of Kansas extremely well” said Cathy Kibler, LCC PBL advisor.

The award was part of a comprehensive national competitive events program sponsored by FBLA-PBL that recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. For many students, the competitive events are the capstone activity of their academic careers. In addition to competitions, students immersed themselves in interactive workshops, visited an information-packed exhibit hall, and heard from motivational keynotes on a broad range of business topics.

About FBLA-PBL, Inc.
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc., the premier student business organization, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million members and advisers in over 6,500 active middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. Its mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. The association is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. For more information, visit

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280