LCC December Board Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2015

The Labette Community College Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2015, 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room on the second floor of the Student Union. The following is a summary of the meeting.

All Trustees were present for the meeting.

The Board:

Approved the revised Board agenda as presented;

Approved the November 12, 2015 meeting minutes as presented;

Bluffstone Update: Dr. Knox reported that Bluffstone had two financing packages out and expected an answer in 1-4 weeks.

Faculty Senate Report: None

Heard an Administrative Report on comparison of expenditures to the budget from Leanna Doherty;

Leanna Doherty gave a brief update on the Cherokee Center roof and the baseball field fence repair;

Dr. Knox gave a short report;

Approved change to Respiratory Therapy Program;
Approved the following courses: Comprehensive Respiratory Care, 2 credit hours, Childhood Program Planning Ages 0-5, 5 credit hours, Music Literature, 3 credit hours, Color Theory, 3 credit hours

Approved Program Review: Communications;

Approved the payment of bills;
Mr. Taylor commended Aaron Keal and the five baseball players that helped move Stella Wells trees on Saturday morning;

Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel to protect the interests of the individuals to be discussed.

Mrs. Zetmeir moved to recess into executive session at ____6:15pm_____________(time)for __10_____________minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of nonelected personnel.

The Board will return to open meeting at ____6:25pm_________________ in this room. Mr. McReynolds seconded and motion carried 4-2. Mr. Howerter and Mr. Winchell voted against.

The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed.

The Board reconvened at 6:25pm taking no action.

Public Comment: Mr. Taylor commended Scott Nelson and Seth Roach for the Christmas concert held on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Hoskins and Mr. McReynolds attended the holiday luncheon in the Cardinal Café and commended Trudy Yockey and Brandi McCall for their hard work.

The next Board meeting date of Thursday, January 21, 2016; 5:30 p.m., room L102, Student Success Center.

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280