Alphabetical Directory
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Individual Offices | Fax NumbersName | Department | Ext. | Office |
A | |||
B | |||
Baker, Hannah | Comptroller | 1232 | SU211 |
Barger, Karen | Assessment, AE Literacy & ADA Coordinator | 1182 | L108 |
Bartelli, Robert | Economics/Business | 1261 | M312 |
Baty, Randee | English | 1177 | M108C |
Beachner, Carly | Nursing | 1218 | Z216 |
Beachner, Kim | Nursing | 1220 | Z218 |
Beasley, Robert | Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
Beeman, Haley | Nursing | 1262 | Z221 |
Bennett, Kathi | Nursing | 1216 | Z220 |
Bernal, Gabe | Grounds Technician | 1284 | SU209 |
Bode, Hillary | Library Aide | 1167 | Library |
Bohnenblust, Delyna | Nursing | 1217 | Z212 |
Bolinger, April | Director of Advising | 1194 | L102C |
Bowen, Cade | Assistant Baseball Coach | 1011 | GYM-104 |
Brown, Gale | Radiography | 1159 | Z128 |
Brumback, Travis | Welding | 620-423-3065 | WTC |
Brungardt, Tom | Science | 1151 | A102 |
Bucher, Burt | Art | 1022 | H102 |
Burzinski, Jody | Director of Information Technology | 1146 | M100 |
C | |||
Carter, Coleen | IT Coordinator | 1146 | M100 |
Chavarria, Agustina | Custodian | ||
Clark, Brandi | DMS Navigator | 1241 | H219 |
Clark, Glee | Finance & Operations Associate | 1231 | Business Office |
Collins, Marisha | Nursing | 1215 | Z222 |
Cooley, Denny | Maintenance Technician | 1284 | SU209 |
Coomes, Molly | Director of Workforce Education & Career Training | 1258 | 1401 Main |
Coomes, Phylis | Library | 1154 | Library |
Coplon, Alex | Head Baseball Coach | 1011 | G108 |
Crawford, Rebeka | Exercise Science | H203 | 1171 |
Crowton, Kent | Welding | 620-856-3366 | Baxter Springs HS |
D | |||
Dayton, Michelle | Talent Search Educational Advisor | 1023 | 1227 Broadway |
Decker, Regina | Case Manager/Advisor | 1254 | L107A |
Dixon, Mallory | Accounts Receivable Coordinator | 1282 | SU212 |
Doherty, Kevin | Facilities Director | 1235 | SU209 |
Doherty, Leanna | V. P. of Finance and Operations | 1231 | SU208 |
Doherty, Margaret | Athletic Department Specialist | 1012 | G103 |
Downey, Joe | Evening Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
Drummond, Lindsey | Academic Affairs Specialist | 1224 | M203 |
Duncan, Pat | Talent Search Educational Advisor | 1023 | 1227 Broadway |
Dyson, Cindy | Registrar Associate | 1244 | SU218 |
E | |||
Eggers, Dana | IT Training Coordinator | 1155 | M100 |
Elliott, Kenneth | Dean of Instruction & Distance Learning | 1239 | M204B |
Evans, Gaye | Foundation/Alumni Assistant | 1281 | Event Center |
Evans, Tonya | Bird's Nest Associate | 1165 or 0 | Bookstore |
F | |||
Forbes, Lindi | Executive Director of Foundation & Alumni | 1212 | 1306 Main |
Flora, Heidi | Executive Assistant to the President and Board Clerk | 1223 | M205 |
Fugate, Megan | Director of Financial Aid | 1246 | SU214 |
G | |||
Garretson, Jessica | DMS Clinical Coordinator & Instructor | 1021 | H220 |
Gero, Kylie | Nursing | 1253 | Z217 |
Giefer, Pam | Enrollment Management Associate | 1236 | Admissions |
Gouvion, Ralph | Math | 1164 | A105D |
Green, Calvert | Evening Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
H | |||
Haley, Brittany | Athletic Trainer | 1027 | G138 |
Hall, Harrison | Student Life Associate | 1178 | SU102 |
Harding, Jennifer | Respiratory Care | 1161 | Z117 |
Harris, Jacoby | Custodian | ||
Harper, Ross | Dean of CTE and Workforce | 1278 | M203A |
Harris, Robert | Evening Custodian Supervisor | 1235 | SU209 |
Hinson, Jason | Head Men's Basketball Coach | 1016 | G106 |
Holmes, Lauren | SSS Academic Coordinator | 1227 | L107B |
Howard, Mia | Admissions Recruiter | 1279 | SU204 |
Howard, Roxie | Print & Graphic Services Coordinator | 1233 | M202 |
Howerter, Laura | Workforce Allied Health Coordinator | 1087 | 1401 Main |
Hundley, Theresa | Dean of Enrollment Management | 1274 | SU219 |
Huffman, Deanna | Psychology | 1265 | H201 |
Huffman, Nancy | Adult Education Instructor | L103 | 1124 |
Hyten, Cathy | Student Support Services Associate | 1147 | SSC |
I | |||
J | |||
Jones, Kenneth | Evening Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
Johnston, Aja | Digital Media & PR Associate | 1240 | M201A |
K | |||
Keal, Aaron | Director of Athletics | 1017 | G105 |
Kelley, Deardin | Head Volleyball Coach | 1014 | G107 |
Kennedy, Hannah | Director of Public Relations | 1280 | M201B |
Kibler, Cathy | Accounting/Business | 1186 | M310 |
Kimrey, Tammy | Radiography/Sonography | 1158 | Z130 |
Kipp, Melissa | Graphic Design Technology | 1126 | H112 |
Kirkpatrick, Kelly | Vice President of Student Affairs | 1268 | SU220 |
Kitterman, Elizabeth | Admissions Associate | 1264 | Admissions |
Kizzire, Tyler | Welding | 620-423-3065 | WTC |
Knox, Erin | PTA Director | 1007 | M207C |
Kotzman, Tiffany | Respiratory Care Instructor & Lab Coordinator | 1193 | Z118 |
L | |||
Lal, Archana | Biology | 1136 | M102 |
Leistikow, Becky | Food Service Worker | 1184 | Cardinal Café |
Langat, Daudi | Biology | 1170 | M103A |
M | |||
Maybank, Jermaine | Assistant Men's Basketball Coach | 1016 | G106 |
McCall-Tyler, Brandi | Director of Admissions | 1225 | SU201B |
Miller, Audrey | Assistant Softball Coach | 1019 | GYM |
Miller, Tim | History/Geography | 1187 | M316 |
Moon, Tracie | Database Administrator II | 1146 | M100 |
Moore, Ashley | Radiography | 1156 | Z129 |
N | |||
Neises, Tonya | Speech/Communications | 1121 | H202 |
Nickell, Sara | Financial Aid Coordinator | 1219 | SU216 |
Norris, Mary | Talent Search Program Assistant | 1037 | 1227 Broadway |
Nutt, Cody | Network Administrator II | 1146 | M100 |
O | |||
O’Brien, Cortney | Cardinal Jumpstart Coordinator | 1221 | M204A |
Online Support | Email | ||
Ozier, Kaila | Payroll & Benefits Coordinator | 1230 | SU210 |
P | |||
Page, Julie | Nursing | 1247 | Z219 |
Perez, Robert | Sociology | 1138 | M314 |
Phillips, Ryan | Softball Coach | 1019 | G110 |
R | |||
Rabig, Tony | IT | 1146 | M100 |
Reynolds, Allie | Math Instructor | 1183 | A105A |
Robinson, Elizabeth | Student Success Center | L104 | 1153 |
Russell, Misty | Talent Search Director | 1028 | 1227 Broadway |
S | |||
Savage, Ashley | Academic Advisor | L102B | 1196 |
Sharp, Jason | Vice President of Academic Affairs | 1255 | M203B |
Shaw, Shelly | SSS Academic Advisor | 1142 | L105 |
Shepard, Taylor | Maintenance Technician | 1284 | SU209 |
Simpson, Sherry | Nursing Program Specialist | 1263 | Z223 |
Smith, Chuck | Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
Spinks, Connie | Instructional Specialist | 1275 | M204 |
Stolte, Susan | Respiratory Care | 1160 | Z102 |
Stoneberger, Elizabeth | English | 1123 | M108D |
T | |||
Thompson, Patricia | Custodian | 1284 | SU209 |
V | |||
Valdez, Art | Custodian | 1235 | SU209 |
Valdez, Briauna | Financial Aid Specialist | 1226 | SU215 |
Vediz, Brian | Sonography | 1181 | H218 |
Vesta, Jeff | Head Wrestling Coach | 1026 | G109 |
Vogel, Brady | Assistant Wrestling Coach | 1026 | F111 |
W | |||
Walker, Haley | Director of Human Resources & Organizational Development | 1234 | SU207 |
Watkins, Mark | President | 1223 | M102 |
Weaver, Lori | Health Science Programs’ Specialist | 1157 | Z103 |
Winters, Bryanna | Welding | 620-423-3065 | WTC |
Wyland, Henri | Academic Advisor | 1195 | L102C |
Y | |||
Yockey, Trudy | Food Service Supervisor | 1184 | Cardinal Café |
Z | |||
Zollars, Scotty | Director of Library Services | 1168 | Library |
Individual Offices
ABE/GED | Student Success Center | 1182 |
Admissions Office | 2nd Floor, Student Union | 1264/1236/1225 |
Athletic Department | Broadway & Heacock | 1012 |
Alex Coplon, Head Baseball Coach | 1017 | |
Margaret Doherty, Athletic Assistant | 1012 | |
Brittany Haley, Head Athletic Trainer | 1027 | |
Jason Hinson, Head Men's Basketball | 1016 | |
Aaron Keal, Athletic Director | 1017 | |
Deardin Kelley, Head Volleyball Coach | 1014 | |
Ryan Phillips, Head Softball Coach | 1019 | |
, Head Women's Basketball | 1015 | |
Jeff Vesta, Head Wrestling Coach | 1026 | |
Ballpark | Marvel Park | 421-9319 |
Bookstore | 1st Floor, Student Union | 1165/1166 |
Business Office | 2nd Floor, Student Union | 1231/1282 |
Cardinal Cafe | 1st Floor, Student Union | 1184 |
Cherokee Center | 400 Hwy & 69 Hwy, Pittsburg, KS | (620) 820-1096 or (877) 800-1070 |
Computer Services/IT | 1st Floor, Main Bulding, M100 | 1146 |
Concurrent/Cardinal Jumpstart Coordinator | M203A, Cortney O’Brien | 1221 |
Dean of Instruction & Distance Learning | M204B, Kenneth Elliot | 1239 |
Exercise Science | H203, Rebeka Crawford | 1171 |
Financial Aid | 2nd Floor, Student Union (SU214, 215, 216) | 1219/1226/1246 |
Fine Arts | H102 | 1022 |
Foundation & Alumni | 1306 Main | 1034/1212 |
Graphic Design Technology | H112, Melissa Kipp | 1126 |
Gymnasium | Broadway & Heacock | 1012 |
Human Resources | Haley Walker, SU207 | 1234, Fax # (620) 421-0180 |
Library | 1230 Main, Scotty Zollars, Director | 1167/1154/1168 |
Maintenance | SU209, Kevin Doherty, Director | 1235/1284 |
Media Department | M100, Dana Eggers | 1155 |
Nursing Department | Z212, Dee Bohnenblust, Director | 1217 |
Online Support | Email | |
President's Office | M205 | 1223 |
Print Shop | M202, Roxie Howard |
1233 |
Public Relations | M201B, | 1280 |
Radiography | Z128, Gale Brown, Directory | 1159 |
Respiratory Care | Z102, Susan Stolte, Director | 1160 |
Registrar | SU219 | 1244/1274 |
Sonography | Z115, Brian Vediz, Director | 1181 |
Student Life | SU102, Harrison Hall | 1178 |
Student Government Association | SU102, Harrison Hall | 1178 |
Student Success Center | SSC, Elizabeth Robinson, Coordinator | 1147/1153 |
Student Support Services | SSC, Elizabeth Robinson, Director | 1147/1153 |
Talent Search | 1227 Broadway | 1037/1028 |
Vice President - Academic Affairs | M203B, Jason Sharp | 1255 |
Vice President - Finance & Operations | SU208, Leanna Doherty | 1231 |
Vice President - Student Affairs | SU220, Kelly Kirkpatrick | 1268 |
Workforce Education, Career Training & Personal Development | M203A, Ross Harper | 1273/1278 |
Fax Numbers
Admissions | (620) 421-0180 |
Business Office | (620) 421-0180 |
Cherokee Center | (620) 232-5870 |
Human Resources | (620) 421-0180 |
Library | (620) 421-1469 |
Nursing | (620) 421-6295 |
Print Shop | (620) 421-2786 |
Radiography, Respiratory | (620) 421-1539 |