LCC January Board Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2016

The Labette Community College Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2016, 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room in the Student Success Center Building. The following is a summary of the meeting.

All Trustees were present for the meeting.

The Board:

Approved the revised Board agenda as presented;

Approved the December 10, 2015 meeting minutes as presented;

Introduced Jimmie Wilson, PTA Director and Lauren Falohun, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach;

Bluffstone Update: Dr. Knox reported that Bluffstone is working on financing and expect an answer in a couple of weeks.

Faculty Senate Report: None

Heard an Administrative Report on comparison of expenditures to the budget from Leanna Doherty;

The SGA report was handed out prior to the meeting;

Neil Phillips of Jarred, Gilmore, & Phillips was in attendance to review the audit. It was an unqualified opinion with no findings.

Dr. Knox gave a short report;

Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel to protect the interests of the individuals to be discussed.

Mrs. Zetmeir moved to recess into executive session at ____6:10pm_____________(time)for __15_____minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of nonelected personnel.

The Board will return to open meeting at ____6:25pm_________________ in this room. Mr. McReynolds seconded and motion carried 6-0.

The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed.

Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel to protect the interests of the individuals to be discussed.

Mrs. Zetmeir moved to recess into executive session at ____6:26pm_____________(time)for __10_____________minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of nonelected personnel.

The Board will return to open meeting at ____6:36pm_________________ in this room. Mr. Winchell seconded and motion carried 6-0.

The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed.

Mr. Taylor moved to approve the retirement of Brooke Saathoff, waive the $1000 liquidated damage amount and fill the position; Mr. Howerter seconded. A vote called by a show of hands, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Howerter voted for the motion; Mr. McReynolds, Mr. Hoskins, Mrs. Zetmeir and Mr. Winchell voted against. Motion failed 2-4.

Mr. McReynolds moved to approve the retirement of Brook Saathoff, enforce the $1000 liquidated damage amount and fill the position; Mrs. Zetmeir seconded. A vote called by a show of hands, Mrs. Zetmeir, Mr. McReynolds, Mr. Hoskins and Mr. Winchell voted in favor of the motion; Mr. Taylor and Mr. Howerter voted against. Motion carried 4-2.

Policy 3.08 Library Internet Usage, Policy 3.09 Library Copyright and Policy 3.10 Library Challenged Materials was brought for review, action will be taken in February;
Approved the name change to the following courses:
Criminal Procedures I to Criminal Procedures
Office Training II to Office Internship II
Office Applications-Medical to Medical Office Applications
Vascular Sonography Procedures to Vascular Sonography II

Approved the following courses:
Drugs in Society
Police Supervision and Management
Reading and Writing Essentials
Pre-College Reading and Writing
Introduction to Social Work
Sonography Sectional Anatomy and Abdominal Pathology I
Introduction to OB/GYN Sonography
OB/GYN Sonography Procedures
Business English
Office Applications-Administrative Assistant
Coordinated Office Training I
Office Applications-Legal
Introduction to Vascular Sonography
Ethics in Criminal Justice

Approved changes to the following programs:
Business Administration Program and Accounting Program
Medical Administrative Assistant AAS
Office Technology Programs
Criminal Justice Program

Approved the payment of bills;

Public Comment: Joe Burke announced the screening of “In Football We Trust” to be held on Tuesday at 6:30pm in Theibaud Theater. Shaun Hill from the Minnesota Vikings and Kendall Gammon, former player for the Kansas City Chiefs and Pittsburg Steelers will be there.

Executive Session for the purpose of discussing employer-employee negotiations.

Mrs. Zetmeir moved to recess into executive session at ____7:22pm_____________(time)for __5________minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of nonelected personnel.

The Board will return to open meeting at ____7:27pm_________________ in this room. Mr. Taylor seconded and motion carried 6-0.

The executive session is required to protect the public interest in negotiating a fair and equitable contract.

The Board reconvened at 7:28pm taking no action.
Reminded of the next Board meeting date of Thursday, February 18, 2016; 5:30 p.m., Conference Room 1, Student Success Center.

Adjourned at 7:29pm

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280