LCC Hendershot Gallery Host Artist Profiles

February 13, 2017
Labette Community College

Parsons, KS- Labette Community College Hendershot Gallery will host ‘Created Selfies & Door, Etc.’, art exhibit. Students in Joan Allen’s personal enrichment watercolor classes have created “Artist Profiles”. They were to use their profiles as the canvas for works that challenge them to think of themselves as individuals and to convey that individuality to the outside world.

According to Allen, “There was a lot of introspection involved before students decided “who they were” and, more importantly, how they would represent themselves on paper. Students created their own signage for the profiles as well—adding an extra touch of individuality to the exhibit.”

The Doors, etc. section of the show is the result of a project that ask students to choose a door that represented something important to them. Some students created a detailed representation of an actual door; others used artistic license to create a door, based on one that figures prominently in their lives.

The exhibit will be on display in Hendershot Gallery from February 13-March 17. The Hendershot Gallery is located on the second floor of the Main building and is open from 8am-8pm Monday-Thursday and 8am-4:30pm on Friday. Allen and her students will be in the gallery Wednesday morning, February 22 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon to greet gallery visitors and to discuss their work.

Joan Allen teaches “Topics in Personal Enrichment: Watercolors” in the Workforce Education Department at Labette Community College. 

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280