Perez Named Boots to Book Award Recipient

May 7, 2019

Parsons, KS- The Boots to Book Award recognizes an outstanding faculty or staff member for their positive impact on military-connected students at Labette Community College. Military-connected students nominate and vote for the individual to receive the award. Award winners have demonstrated a willingness to assist military-connected students at all levels, a personal concern for their students or the military-connected students they interact with, enthusiasm for making LCC military-friendly, and willingness to serve as leaders in innovation and assisting LCC in achieving high standards in assisting military-connected students.

Robert Perez, LCC Assistant Professor of Sociology, was named the Boots to Book Award recipient by LCC military-connected students for 2019. 

“He has always been available to discuss anything I wanted to talk about military related as well as asking about how I was doing. He reassured my feeling and experiences and concerns where normal and that he would always be available to talk if needed,” said one LCC military-connected student.  “Mr. Perez has gone above and beyond just being a part of the military-friendly committee and has shown his desire to be military friendly.”

For more information about military-connected student services, contact Sara Comer at

PR Contacts

Lindi Forbes

Interim Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1212