LCC Foundation Changes to Online Format for Annual Scholarship Auction

June 23, 2020


The Labette Community College Foundation & Alumni Association will host the 21st Annual Auction for Scholarships completely online instead of an in-person event, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While LCC President, Dr. Mark Watkins, wishes auction-goers could have a regular in-person auction, he said, “We must do our part to help stop the spread of the disease. In light of all that we know today and the great amount of uncertainty we still face, we have made a tough decision to hold an online auction.”

“It is priority of the LCC Foundation and college to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our students, donors, alumni, staff, and guests who attend LCC Foundation events. By creating a safe online auction, donors are still able to bid on unique auction items and support our students with much-needed scholarships,” said LCC Executive Director of Foundation & Alumni Association Lindi Forbes. The scholarships will be awarded for the 2020-21 academic year.

“In addition to supporting scholarships, online bidders will have the option to help us meet the $500,000 Mabee Challenge Grant too, said Forbes. The Mabee Foundation, of Midland TX, has awarded this challenge grant to the LCC Foundation for the Athletic and Academic Complex Campaign.

“In order to bring their $500,000 to our college we must secure $693,549 by January 14, 2021. The Foundation Board felt it was important to include this giving option to our auction supporters.”

As plans progress, online auction information will be shared on the Labette Community College Foundation & Alumni Facebook page.

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280