LCC Student Athletes Test for COVID

August 12, 2020


The fall semester begins at Labette Community College on Monday, August 17. Although fall athletics have been moved to the spring semester, most student athletes have returned to campus to prepare for the fall semester.

COVID testing was completed on all student athletes who have returned to campus, approximately 140 athletes. Testing will be administered to all student athletes because of the close contact in each sport. To date, five have tested positive. Four of the five positive cases have returned home safely to isolate, while the fifth case is isolating in a house off campus. Positive test cases unable to return home for isolation will receive thermometers, oximeters and daily tele-health checkups through a certified healthcare provider. The remaining athletes will be tested upon their return to campus. Contact tracing of the positive cases will be completed by the Labette County Health Department. 

All on-ground students which may have to isolate (test positive) or required to quarantine due to the COVID-19 virus, are encouraged to go home, if possible, to quarantine while completing coursework remotely. 

Face coverings are required in all Labette Community College buildings for students, staff, and visitors while maintaining social distancing of at least six feet. Class sizes have been reduced in order to maintain a social distancing standard. Additional cleaning protocol and hand sanitization areas have been implemented in all high traffic areas, in addition to temperature checks for all student athletes entering inside the LCC gymnasium. In addition, LCC provided thermometers to hang in a common area for daily student wellness checks in the Cardinal Villas student housing complex.

Labette Community College is following the guidelines of the CDC and the Labette County Health Department for cleaning and safety protocols, as well as, quarantine and isolation recommendations for students and staff. COVID positive students will not be allowed to return to campus until they meet CDC and KDHE guidelines.

Students are encouraged to report any COVID-19 related illness, testing, self-quarantine and/or isolation to the Vice President of Student Affairs at, while staff should report to their immediate supervisor and Human Resources at

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280