LCC Hosts 5th Year Pack the Pantry

September 10, 2020


Parsons, KS- The Student Affairs department at Labette Community College is hosting a pack the pantry event September 14-18 to celebrate the 5th year of operation for the LCC student food pantry.

The Phi Theta Kappa honor society began the student food pantry in 2015 as part of a College Project to address food insecurities among the college population. In 2019-2020, the pantry helped 213 different students, which was an increase of over 30 students (17.5%) despite not being open in April and May. During the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine, students were able to make appointments with Student Affairs staff for access to the pantry. Since Fall 2016, the pantry has served over 610 individual LCC students. It is open to students each Tuesday and Wednesday that classes are in session on the Main campus. Pantry items are available at the front desk of the Cherokee Center during operating hours.

Individuals or businesses able to donate food, paper products and cleaning supplies are encouraged to drop items off at the LCC Student Union room 220.

For more information contact Tammy Fuentez at

Pack the Pantry

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280