LCC Virtual Auction a Success

October 8, 2020


Parsons, KS- The preliminary numbers for the 2020 Labette Community College Foundation Online Auction raised over $39,000. The funds raised will be used in two ways. Approximately 40% will be used to fund scholarships for LCC students next year. The remaining will be designated for the Athletic and Academic Complex Capital Campaign, which will also help meet the Mabee Foundation Challenge Grant to bring $500,000 to complete the campaign.

The 21st annual auction was supported by 120 bidders, 37 sponsors, and 141 auction items donated by 102 donors.

“Covid-19 forced us to reimagine how our annual auction could function. We had a great team who creatively worked to move the event from a traditional gathering to an online auction. We weren’t sure what the response would be, but we are absolutely thrilled with the outpouring of support,” said LCC Foundation Executive Director, Lindi Forbes. “My goal was to raise $30,000 and we surpassed that by nearly $10,000 thanks to the generosity of our donors.”

Due to the unique opportunity presented to the LCC Foundation by the $500,000 Mabee Foundation Challenge Grant, the Foundation Board decided to dedicate a majority of the auction proceeds to the capital campaign. This will help earn the $500,000 grant and successfully complete the capital campaign to meet student needs. 

“We consulted with auction donors to apply some of the auction proceeds toward the campaign and had numerous positive reactions. Donors understand the needs and how their support could leverage the Mabee grant,” said Forbes. “If anyone would like to contribute they can make online donations at or mail gifts to 200 South 14th Street, Parsons, KS.

Donations can still be made online at

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280