Farleys Pledge to Support the LCC Capital Campaign

November 5, 2020


Farley familyParsons, KS – Doug and Tammy Farley, former Parsonians, have pledged $100,000 to support the next phase in Labette Community College Foundation’s Pathways to the Future Capital Campaign. This gift will help the college renovate and expand the athletic facilities to meet the needs of students and better serve the community.

Doug Farley is the son of longtime Parsons doctor, Dr. Cecil Farley and wife GerryAnn. The gift will name the volleyball room for Dr. and Mrs. Farley, as a way to honor his parents. 

“My mother played volleyball in Parsons for many years and enjoyed the competition. “I think she would be pleased to have the volleyball room named after her,” said Doug. “My parents were big supporters of Parsons community and I think they would be delighted to help LCC in this way.”

The Farleys have a long-standing tradition of dedication to the college and the community. GerryAnn took classes from Labette Community College, then Parsons Junior College, to keep her teaching certificate updated. “I took classes my senior year of high school and the following summer. I was able to take classes before attending the University of Kansas, which made my transition into a larger learning environment easier,” said Doug. “Our family also participated in theater which all the productions were held at LCC. We enjoyed acting and watching the plays.”  

The Farleys continue to be actively involved in their community as Tammy has served as the past president of Make a Wish of Georgia, and now serves on the board of Pencils for Promise. Doug volunteers at the Winship Cancer Center and Promise 686, a foster care organization.

“We are extremely grateful for the generous pledge from the Farleys. Naming the volleyball room for Dr. and Mrs. Farley will be a visual legacy for many generations to come. It is an inspiration to us all,” said Lindi Forbes, Executive Director of the LCC Foundation. 

Private support for LCC’s capital campaign can come through outright gifts of cash, bequests, life insurance policies, gifts of real estate, and other giving mechanisms. Individuals or businesses can choose to give in a variety of ways, even to spread out payments up to five years. This makes the giving capacity larger and more feasible for more people. 

This generous support from the Farleys will also help the LCC Foundation meet a $500,000 Mabee Challenge Grant requirement. The campaign has raised $5,574,830 for capital, which includes the Mabee Grant. 

LCC must raise $155,070 by January 14, 2021 to earn the grant from the Mabee Foundation of Midland, TX and complete the fundraising goal. LCC capital campaign donations can be made on the website at: http://www.labette.edu/foundation/index.html or with a check made payable to: LCC Foundation, 200 S. 14th Street Parsons, KS 67357. All donations are tax deductible.

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280