Talent Search Grant Policies
Students will be asked to wear the following:
On day trips:
- TRIO T-shirts
- Jeans, Shorts, or Capris
- Comfortable walking shoes i.e. tennis shoes
- Weather appropriate clothing i.e. jackets when needed
On overnight trips:
- When traveling on the bus:
- Comfortable t-shirts or sweatshirt Jeans, Shorts, or Capris
- During the trip itself:
- TRIO T-shirts
- Jeans, Shorts, or Capris
- Comfortable walking shoe i.e. tennis shoes
- Weather appropriate clothing i.e. jackets when needed
ADA guidelines regarding Talent Search Participants
American's with Disabilities Act Guidelines
Appropriate Accommodations for Talent Search students (participants) with special needs
- Eligible participants will not be denied access to a Talent Search approved activity due to a disability or other special need, conditional upon prior presentation and approval of appropriate documentation from a certified professional stating the nature of the disability and suggested accommodations. It is expected that documentation will accompany the application for participation.
- Reasonable accommodations are those that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the program/activity, that can be provided without undue financial or administrative burden, and that can be provided without lowering the essential performance standards and objectives of the grant.
- Educational Advisors should notify the Project Director and Secretary at the beginning of an academic year of any new or returning participants who may require special accommodations while participating in a Talent Search sponsored trip.
- Participants should declare at the beginning of an academic year of any special accommodations they may require during a Talent Search trip. Special accommodations should be declared on the participant’s application or update form. Any verbal or written notice regarding accommodations should be confidential and involve parents input. Parents will be notified of the level of assistance available from the Talent Search staff regarding special medical conditions or the dispensing of medications.
- Participants with special accommodation requests should not expect that a cultural trip schedule or the event activities be modified solely to meet their situation. Talent Search sponsored trips usually involve 30 or more students and chaperones. The Project Director and program staff plan trips that can include every participant without major modifications for one or two individuals. The program will make reasonable accommodation efforts when requested.
- Parents of participants with special needs are encouraged to discuss their child’s accommodations with the Project Director. The Director will make a reasonable attempt to accommodate. Compromises may be necessary to ensure that a scheduled cultural trip is a meaningful experience for everyone.
- Parents of participants, who require regularly scheduled medications, medically approved diets, or have medical conditions that require close supervision can request to travel with their child on a scheduled program trip. If space is available, the Project Director will make a reasonable effort to accommodate.
- Expenses for transportation, meals, and room (if overnight) of parents who are approved to travel with their participant children due to special medical conditions may be paid by the Talent Search Grant. Inquiry should be made upon notification of the activity.
- The Project Director, after consultation with the Vice-President of Student Services and the institutions ADA compliance officer, reserves the right to modify a cultural trip or other Talent Search sponsored event for one or more of its participants with special accommodation needs. Accommodations may be considered and modified depending on each particular situation and request.
- Parents or guardians with questions or concerns regarding accommodations LCC Talent Search provides may contact the Project Director or Vice-President of Student Services.