Hendershot Gallery Usage

Facilities Usage Request Form

The Facilities Department will be responsible for granting permission for the use and scheduling of all College facilities. Additional approval is required for Hendershot Gallery use.

  1. Hendershot Gallery will be scheduled in accordance with the Gallery Procedure.
  2. All groups/organizations will complete and return the request form to the Facilities Office at least (2) weeks in advance of the event.  Forms are available in the Facilities Office, Public Folders and Facilities Link on the LCC website.
  3. All groups/organizations may use the College for educational, cultural, charitable, and non-profit purposes.  Private individuals are not allowed to rent LCC facilities.
  4. All groups/organization must agree to replace damaged or lost property, and to hold Labette Community College safe and harmless from all claims for damages by reason of injury or damage sustained by any person or property on the premises of the College.  The organization must also agree to pick up props, supplies or materials immediately following the activity and return the facility to its original state (includes clean up, etc). LCC is not responsible for clean up or left behind props, supplies, materials, etc.
  5. College functions and student groups/organizations will be given priority in scheduling
    of College facilities.  Student groups/organizations will be responsible for observing the
    (2) weeks advance notice of event to be scheduled and submit proper paperwork for approval; no fees will be assessed for use of facility by LCC groups/organizations.  Community functions scheduled in accordance with these guidelines will not be canceled without adequate notice.
  6. The Facilities Department is to be notified immediately of any change in a scheduled event.  A custodian and generally an administrative staff member will be on duty during all community and college group meetings to ensure that building regulations are observed.
  7. The Cardinal Café will be used for any on-site food service needs by all groups and organizations holding an event on LCC’s campus.  Outside food is not allowed unless approved in advance by the Facilities Department.
  8. Eating and drinking will not be allowed in Hendershot Gallery or Thiebaud Theatre. All tobacco products, alcohol and firearms are not allowed on LCC campus, facility or property.
  9. Children brought to the campus must remain with their parents.  Under no circumstances will children be allowed to run free on campus.
  10. Payment must be made to LCC and received by the Facilities Department prior to event.


Fees for non-LCC organizations activities/events scheduled outside normal operating hours:

FACILITY (excluding gymnasium)   GYMNASIUM
4 or Less Hours:  $125
4-8 Hours:  $200 
Over 8 Hours: $75 per additional hour
4 or Less Hours:  $250
4-8 Hours:  $400
Over 8 Hours:  $75 per additional hour

Fees are waived for use of facilities during normal operating hours of LCC.

  • Contact Information

  • Burt Bucher

    Gallery Director
    200 S. 14th Street
    Parsons, KS 67357
    (620) 820-1022