Knox Named to PTK Presidential Advisory Board

December 8, 2015

Jackson, Mississippi- Thirty-three college presidents have been appointed to a new Presidential Advisory Board for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. The Presidential Advisory Board will provide input into the organization’s strategic plan, priorities and direction.

Advisory Board members will advocate for Phi Theta Kappa, its members and its mission; serve as liaisons between Phi Theta Kappa headquarters and the college leaders in their states; and advise Phi Theta Kappa’s Executive Director and other senior leaders.

“Since its founding in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa has positioned itself to be of great importance and significance in the lives of students,” said Interim Executive Director Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner. “As Phi Theta Kappa approaches its centennial anniversary, we are constantly seeking to strengthen our mission — recognizing and supporting student success.”

Tincher-Ladner explained that beyond recognition and celebration of individual academic achievement, Phi Theta Kappa serves as a pathway to student success and completion. The Society accomplishes these results by providing scholarships and opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming.

“This work would not be possible without the contributions and support of community college leaders like these college presidents,” Tincher-Ladner said.

Dr. Joe May, Chancellor of the Dallas County Community College District and an Advisory Board member, said Phi Theta Kappa is central to the mission of community colleges and that the organization supports the values community colleges hold.

“It not only focuses on recognizing student achievement, but it also fosters an inclusive environment that has a positive impact on student success,” he said. “Serving on the Advisory Board provides an opportunity to ensure that Phi Theta Kappa remains central to the community college mission.”

The first meeting of the Phi Theta Kappa Advisory Board was held on November 11-12, 2015, at the Center for Excellence in Jackson, Mississippi. The agenda included discussions on international education, membership opportunities and student success.

Dr. Jerrold Green, Executive Director of the Pacific Council on International Policy and a Middle East expert, opened the meeting with discussion of the opportunities available to community colleges by the internationalization of educations skills and offerings worldwide.

Phi Theta Kappa Advisory Board members include:
Dr. Shouan Pan, Mesa Community College, Arizona*
Dr. C. Michele Haney, Red Rocks Community College, Colorado
Dr. Paul Broadie, Housatonic Community College, Connecticut*
Dr. Mark Brainard, Delaware Technical Community College, Delaware*
Dr. E. Ann McGee, Seminole State College of Florida, Florida
Dr. Virginia Carson, South Georgia State College, Georgia*
Dr. Bert Glandon, College of Western Idaho, Idaho
Dr. Kenneth Ender, Harper College, Illinois
Jennie Vaughan, Ivy Tech Community College-Bloomington, Indiana
Dr. Terry Murrell, Western Iowa Tech Community College, Iowa*
Dr. George Knox, Labette Community College, Kansas
Dr. Jo Marshall, Somerset Community College, Kentucky*
Dr. Joan Davis, Delgado Community College, Louisiana
Dr. Charlene Dukes, Prince George's Community College, Maryland
Dr. Pam Eddinger, Bunker Hill Community College, Massachusetts
Dr. Larry Lundblad, Central Lakes College, Minnesota*
Dr. Billy Stewart, East Central Community College, Mississippi*
Dr. Hal Higdon, Ozarks Technical Community College, Missouri
Dr. Jane Karas, Flathead Valley Community College, Montana
Dr. Michael Chipps, Northeast Community College, Nebraska*
Dr. Kaye Walter, Bergen Community College, New Jersey
Dr. Alice Letteney, University of New Mexico-Valencia, New Mexico*
Dr. Larry Skogen, Bismarck State College, North Dakota
Dr. Alex Johnson, Cuyahoga Community College, Ohio*
Jack Bryant, Redlands Community College, Oklahoma*
Dr. Mary Spilde, Lane Community College, Oregon
Dr. John Sygielski, Harrisburg Area Community College, Pennsylvania
Dr. Mary Thornley, Trident Technical College, South Carolina*
Dr. Joe May, Dallas County Community College District, Texas*
Dr. Linda Thomas-Glover, Eastern Shore Community College, Virginia
Dr. Warren Brown, North Seattle College, Washington
Dr. Marshall Washington, New River Community and Technical College, West Virginia
Dr. Michael Lanser, Lakeshore Technical College, Wisconsin
*Indicates those attending the November meeting.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, is the largest honor society in American higher education with 1,285 chapters on two-year and community college campuses in all 50 of the United States, eight sovereign nations and U.S. territorial possessions. More than 3 million students have been inducted since its founding in 1918, with approximately 134,000 students inducted annually.

PR Contacts

Hannah Kennedy

Director of Public Relations
(620) 820-1280